Sellmer Adventskalender

Pferde-Adventskalender "Im Stall"

Article no.: 70157


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Ein Adventskalender für Pferdeliebhaber

Gönn dir und deinen Lieben eine tierisch gute Adventszeit mit dem "Im Stall" Adventskalender! Hinter jeder Tür verstecken sich spannende Überraschungen für Pferde- und Katzenliebhaber, große und kleine Kinder. Ein abwechslungsreicher Spielspaß, der die Vorfreude auf Weihnachten steigert. Ein tierischer Hingucker im Kinderzimmer! Ein toller Adventskalender für Pferde-Freunde.

  • Pferde Adventskalender
  • Verwandeltürchen
  • Glitzer
  • leuchtende Rückbilder
  • schönes Format von ca. 27 x 36 cm
  1. All of our advent calendars and Christmas cards are made in Germany, in 70565 Stuttgart. We are A small family business With approx. 10 employees. We also have free sales representatives, various graphic artists and a sales office in England.
  2. Almost all work steps take place in our Christmas workshop in Stuttgart tube - including shipping.
  3. Frank and Oliver Sellmer with a team provide your order!
  4. Our nostalgic products are of course also available in well -sorted specialist retailers
  5. Right of cancellation: If you don't like it, you can send the products back to us within 14 days
  6. Delivery time: You don't have to wait long for our delivery: At the latest on the working day after, your order will leave our house. Mostly even on the same working day.
    1. By the way, on the subject of the environment: The plastic film in which our products are packed is 100 percent recycling-capable. The box on the front of our advent calendar was mainly made of waste paper.
    • Sellmer Verlag has been around for a long time, precisely since 1945. Sellmer was the first Advent calendar publisher to go on the market after the Second World War. Founded by the grandfather of Frank and Oliver Sellmer, today's bosses.
    • Therefore, there are still many old motifs that are still in the program today. A fund for nostalgia lovers!
    • Even with new motifs, we always make sure that the motif on the front lives on when the door is opened. The back image thus complements the events on the front. A nice surprise every day. With the city motifs, sights of the respective region are shown, as well as Christmas ornaments.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Petra Bosse
    Jährliches Adventskalender Highlight

    Seit Jahren verschenke ich diese Art von Kalendern und der Liebhaberkreis wird immer größer 😉

    Christina Knodt
    Pferde Adventskalender

    It is gorgeous!

    Richard Berg
    Advent calendars

    All arrived safely and in good order. See you again next year.

    Rainer J. Freise

    an manchen Stellen zu simpel durchgestaltet

    Stefan Meikl
    Weihnachten mit deinen Lieblingen

    Für Tierliebhaber ein sehr liebevoll gestalteter Adventkalender, besonders für Katzen und Pferdeliebhaber. Ich habe zwei davon gekauft um meinen beiden Töchtern die Wartezeit auf Weihnachten zu verschönern. Eine der beiden Kinder liebt ihre Katzen, die andere auch Katzen und besitzt überdies auch noch ein Pferd.

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